Learning Substance & WIG Ambassador!

I've had Substance Painter and Designer on my "programs to learn" list for a while now. After finishing a contract at ustwo recently I decided to use some of my down time to finally learn both programs proficiently! I am still learning but have been working on a few personal projects when I have time. 

The crate is a premade model by Algorithmic that I textured and is finished. The jetpack is based on concept art, but was modelled and textured by me. It is still a WIP. 

Jetpack Concept Art

Jetpack Concept Art

Jetpack Model and Texture - WIP

Jetpack Model and Texture - WIP

I adore Substance Painter! It saves so much time but gives such amazing results. I'll keep updating with my progress.

I also was recently announced as one of the Women In Games Ambassadors which is such an honour! So exciting and I can't wait to start doing amazing things for women and our industry with the fellow ambassadors, we are working on some fun things, watch this space. 

Sci Fi Gun WIP

I started modelling this sci-fi style gun a while ago and decided to pick it up again! I found the concept art on Pinterest and instantly fell in love with the design. This work in progress is hand painted but I am planning on finishing the hand painted version then making a new texture done entirely in Substance Painter/Designer and comparing. This is what I have so far for the hand painted version. Will keep updating with my progress! It is 4500 Triangles. 

Hand Painted Well

I had a quick art test to do for a potential job the other week. It was for a VR Game similar to Mario Kart and the company gave me a task to create any asset I wanted in the style of their game. The game included castles, crates and houses so I thought I would make a well. I made this in about 10 hours and am really happy with it! I'm planning on making some more assets to go along with it in a small scene. 

Fatty Burger Shack - FINISHED!

I wrote about starting this piece over a year ago. Life and work got busy and I forgot about it until recently. When I started modelling this I was just beginning to learn about cutting down polys, photoshop layer styles and game topology so was so surprised to see how much of it was modelled with unnecessary extra triangles. It just shows how much I have learned! 

I cut down the polys, finished modelling, textured, lit and rendered it this week and here we are! I'm happy with it, I rarely model from such stylised concept art so this was really fun. 

Portfolio post here